1: Open the 'Settings' option on your phone.
2: Now you will need to select the "Mail" option in the settings as can be seen below.
3: You will then need to click the "Accounts" option. 
4: You will then need to select the "Add Account" option.

5: Once the Add account button has been selected you will see the options shown below, please select "Other" .
6: Once you have click Other, on the next screen you will then need to click "Add Mail Account".
7: You will then be directed to the new account
creation screen where you will need to fill in the account details, this
can be seen below.
In this step, the “Name” field will be your own name or that of the
email account holder, and in the “Email” and “Password” section you will
need to enter your email account details. In the Description field you
can enter information which will help you identify the account. Once the
information is entered select "Next".

8: Here you will be able to select the account type,
which would be either IMAP or POP, the difference between the two is POP
downloads the email from a server to a single computer, then deletes
the email from the server. On the other hand IMAP, stores the message on
a server and synchronizes the message across multiple devices if they
are also using the IMAP protocol. We would advise that you use the IMAP
** These are the IMAP settings to enter:
Email: This is the email address you are setting up
Description: This is your choice, you may enter anything here
Username: Enter your full email address
Password: Enter your email address password
Incoming Mail Server Host Name: imap.stackmail.com
Outgoing Mail Server Host Name: smtp.stackmail.com
***Below we have the POP3 email settings to use for POP setups.
Email: This is the email address you are setting up
Description: This is your choice, you may enter anything here
Username: Enter your full email address
Password: Enter your email address password
Incoming Mail Server Host Name: pop3.stackmail.com
Outgoing Mail Server Host Name: smtp.stackmail.com
9. Once the mail server details have been entered please click "Next" and save, this will finish the creation of the account.